
So that your body likes it still half an hour later. Lose the weight permanently, reshape your body and reduce or eliminate inflammation, the number one killer on the planet!

Move the way your body is made & made to move. Move in a way that’s easy and your body likes. It keeps you living longer and stronger.

To deal with habit & change for good, we need to change the way we think. What if everything you’ve ever wanted, starts moving towards you and you’re attracting a whole different quality of life?

My new book is an Introduction to EAT, MOVE & THINK

EAT, MOVE & THINK, EMT differently, otherwise you'll need an EMT, an Emergency Medical Technician some time soon, to scrape you off the ground because you sabotaged and destroyed your health unknowingly.

Be someone in the know who deeply understands and appreciates the freedom that Health gives you long before you no longer have it.
In this book you'll find orientation and guidance. In it I'll teach you 3 moves that may change your life!


Complete "Mentorship Membership"
From shutdown To Vibrant & Healthy – Do It Together

12 Full Months of Training with Ulf Tölle MPH

A full year of Ulf's complete curriculum and group support. Exactly what you need to break through your obstacles and tap into your health. In Chinese Medicine they say that you can be either healthy, ill or NOT YET ill.

I don't want you to compromise on your health any more. Health is the only true wealth you have.
Just imagine having all the money in the world but no health to enjoy it, what a misery. 

And what a misery when your loved ones die before their time.

I've lost both my parents before their time and it's hard to not have these mentors in your life, that person you can look up to and exchange ideas with.

The Mentorship – Membership will provide you with the information and guidance and the necessary steps to make your way and take the necessary steps to becoming as vibrant and healthy as possible. It is the ideal option for people like you  who Do It Yourself AND Do It Together with a group of people heading in the same direction.




From shutdown To Vibrant & Healthy - Do It With Ulf

12 Full Months of Training with Ulf Tölle PHC

A full year of Ulf's complete curriculum, group support and Personal Health Coaching:

  • The Modules
  • FB Group support
  • Monthly Q&A
  • Weekly Guided Group Practice (40+ times)
  • 30 Accountability / Coaching Calls with Ulf

The Mentorship – Membership plus the Personal Health Coaching will provide you with the information and the accountability with Ulf to empower you to take the necessary steps to becoming as vibrant and healthy as possible. It is the ideal option for people who want (and maybe need) to Do It With Me.


Action Takers

Watch their Breakthroughs

Tiago Flores

“Already the second day the orchestra sounded more resonant and more colourful.”

Tiago Flores

Artistic Director OSPA

“Two weeks later I realised that I hadn’t had any tension in the back of my neck at all! It was amazing!”

Claire Boyles

Business Coach und HR Consultant

Claire Boyles
Thomas Pier

“in the attachment you’ll find the exceptional evaluation of your course with us….”

Thomas Pier

NDR Company Medical Officer

John C. Anderson

“Working with Ulf has been of tremendous benefit to me in ways that still continue to surprise. His approach is precise and demonstrable, based on good sense and delivered with humor.”

John C. Anderson


“a systemic understanding of the organism, that does not separate mind and body”

Silvana Azevedo


Silvia Azevedo
Milos Viazanica

“My neck stopped hurting and I felt a huge relief in my whole body. … I must say that Ulf has an incredibly deep understanding of the human body.
He truly is a Motion Master.”

Milos Viazanica

Owner SME

“I finished the Swiss Championship in 1st place… and have a better perception of my body, can let it rest on surfaces and execute a movement effectively with only 50% of the effort.”

Daniela Bertiriggi

Cross Country


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